
Already Own Investment Property?

Buy low. Sell high. This age-old strategy has guided investors no matter the commodity. Today’s market has presented an opportunity for people to sell that will last for an undetermined amount of time. If you already own an investment property, you are probably familiar with a 10-31 exchange. If you aren’t, there is no better time to learn how it can work to your benefit. Andrew Rhoda Homes has the knowledge and skills to assess your investment and to expertly guide your next move.

Have You Ever Considered Purchasing an
Income-Producing Investment Property?

Part of what makes Real Estate such a thrilling business are the endless ways that it touches the lives of so many people. Beyond the fundamental need that housing plays in each of our lives, have you ever thought about ways that you can make real estate work to create wealth for you?

Los Angeles has one of the strongest rental housing markets in the country. The factors that keep it so strong are the same reasons that make investing in these types of properties worth exploring:

People come to Los Angeles from the whole world over and renting is the most appealing option for their housing” The barriers of entry for the Millennials are a reality that will keep them as loyal tenants”

Does the prospect of it seem too overwhelming? You never know until you look into it!

Setup a meeting with me and I can help you through these questions. I have worked with many clients over the years who asked these same questions and they are now enjoying the fruits of their strategy. Call Andrew Rhoda Homes today to explore the limitless investment opportunities available to you.